Team Guam

Team Sweden
Sapporo Snow Festival 1997


The Guam Snow Statue - Symbols of Guam Culture

This snow statue represents the carabao (water buffalo), banana trees and lattestone, which are the symbols of Guam Culture. The Carabao was brought to Guam by Spanish people in the beginning of the 1900s. Regarded as a symbol of strength, they were used mainly for farming and transportation. Banana trees bear plenty of fruit and are used as ingredients for cooking. There are five to six kinds of banana trees in the perpetual Guam. Lattestone represents the culture of Guam's native people, the Chamorros, and was used for the foundations of their houses. The uniquely shaped stone pillar was though to be erected for the first time in about A.D. 845.

The Guam Team Members

Baldomero Perez Jr - Chef
Dominador Arce - Chef
Ronald Viloria - Chef
Tony Mendoza - Chef

Maki Fujiwara

The sculpturing progress

Pictures from Wednesday noon (left) and evening (right)

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